
OK Everybody! It's here! AvaLaCada! I will be testing my homemade creation tonight so say tuned! :) I am excited to see if this will work best as a conditioner rinse out or a leave-in...I'm hoping for a Leave-In but it hard trying to make a Leave-In but I'm determined lol. I may do a video so I will let you all know. If I'm unable to I will just give you all my results on this creation of mine lol. Stay Tuned! ~EVA~ PositiveEnergy!!




HEY GUYS! I Know, I know...I've been M.I.A! Sorry I've been working this entire weekend and studying so I have not had time to come and make a post. But I have been working on some stuff to share with you all. I'm excited because I really want to be a 100% natural product user oneday...That is my goal and I've already started working on that. I've successfully made a deep conditioner and a co wash conditioner for my hair. I want to make my own moisturizer and shampoo too. I will be working on the moisturizer really soon! I'll be posting really soon so stay tuned.
~EVA~ #PositiveEnergy!